Benefits Of Increased Visibility In Scheduling

Staff WriterStaff Writer4/19/2022

What are the Benefits Of Increased Visibility In Scheduling ?

The benefits of increased visibility in scheduling are many. It allows the manager or operator to make the best informed decision since they can see all the variables that are ahead of them.


Visibility is an important component of any employee scheduling system. It's often overlooked, but it can be defined as the degree to which the system displays information that a user has access to. In this context, visibility includes data about who, when, and where employees are scheduled or how long they will work; this also refers to their tasks at that moment. It is important not only because it shows what needs attention from management on a particular day/time (e.g., low attendance, late sign-in, early sign-out, etc.), but also helps employees understand whether hours have been filled by other staff members so there's no need for them to take another shift. Here are some benefits of visibility in workforce scheduling.

To Foster Accountability-

When visibility in workforce scheduling is present, it's much easier for both the employer and the employee to cooperate as both know what is expected. This creates less confusion or hesitation amongst both, which builds trust and accountability. It keeps both on the same page on all factors like shift timings, the number of shifts, filling up shift shortfalls, etc. It ensures all are on the same page. Resource allocation and availability are made easier.

To Ensure Compliance-

Various laws need to be adhered to, depending on your restaurant's location. A multi-chain restaurant present across different states will need to follow the set laws of the respective state. These laws include those around work hours, pay scale, overtime, etc. If you use a system that tracks the work hours of all employees and ensures they follow the set rules, it aids the business in staying compliant. Employers also need to keep all the relevant documentation of all their employees. With a system that will not only do the shift schedule but also ensure all documentation is in place for each employee, the employer can submit a cohesive report/data when required.

To Maintain Transparency-

A workplace that has a trusting relationship between employees and management is key to increased employee productivity. Giving your employees the right tools for self-management will make them feel empowered and in turn, more productive. The more transparent company management is with its people, the better it communicates. A scheduling system that works well with other systems and software used in businesses can be used to ensure the management and team are in sync with any changes and updates.

To Foster Responsibility-

When employees are up-to-date with the schedules, they can remain on time and work their personal time requirements around the work hours. If this is not done, then employees might not be able to whether deliberately or otherwise report to work on time, or have to take leaves. This can affect shift scheduling along with smoothly running operations. If the schedule is made and employees are informed in time, such issues get minimized and the employees are more responsible for their work. Ensuring a well-planned schedule is a manager's job and doing so helps him or her be more responsible too.

To Identify Risks-

A scheduling system has a log of old schedules and new ones. The system comes up with a workable schedule once it has the data on available resources and law of the land. This ensures that no employee gets over-worked or under-used. Over-worked employees, oftentimes, experience burnout that affects their health and productivity. Based on research by, 52% of employees who responded to the survey were experiencing burnout in 2021. This number was 9% more than the figure they got (43%) before the pandemic. Such risks can be lessened by ensuring a proper schedule is in place that takes not just the business but also the employees' work-life balance. Doing so results in happier employees, which in turn results in a better operating business.


Ensuring that your business has a properly working scheduling system is what will help it run smoothly. That said, another important point, as explained above, is the importance of increased visibility in scheduling. It will not just ensure happier and more productive employees, but also help the overall business.