5 Ways You Can Prevent Food Safety Hazards In The Kitchen

Khushboo BattaKhushboo Batta3/29/2022

What are food safety hazards ?

Food safety is a major concern for us all. In the US alone, there are 76 million cases of foodborne illness each year. We also spend over $37 billion on healthcare expenses related to foodborne illnesses. It's important to be educated about what exactly can make our food unsafe. Here are some common food safety hazards that we need to be cautious about.

What Are Food Safety Hazards And 5 Ways You Can Prevent them?

Before we discuss ways to prevent food safety hazards, let us understand the different types of food safety hazards that hang over our kitchens.

1. Biological Hazards

2. Chemical hazards
Chemical hazards occur when harmful substances are either added to food or may make their way into food naturally. Pesticide sprayed fresh produce is one example of naturally occurring chemical hazards. When preservatives like sodium nitrate or other chemical substances are added to food, it paves the way for man-made chemical hazards.

3. Physical Hazards

Know about one of the most common food safety hazards

4. Allergenic Hazards
As many as 32 million people in the USA suffer from food allergies. A lot of them, mostly children were found to be allergic to milk and eggs, while peanuts and shellfish were the common allergens for others, as per a report by the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America.

Therefore, US FDA has set up a different branch called the Centre of Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, which is solely responsible for food labeling. It ensures food businesses disclose all the ingredients on food packets and cans.

Consumers can go through the labels and skip buying the product if it consists of any substance they are allergic to.



Clean your kitchen tops regularly after using them. If you are using kitchen counters for slicing raw meat or poultry, wash it thoroughly after you are done. That's because raw meat and poultry are highly vulnerable to bacteria like Salmonella .

If you use the same kitchen top to cut the fresh produce , immediately after chopping meat, it can lead to cross contamination, and further cause food poisoning and other foodborne illness .



No matter how thoroughly you wash your vegetables or how carefully you pick raw meat from the market, you cannot challenge invisible microscopic germs.

Cooking food at the right temperature can kill these microorganisms-- salmonella, Listeria. Thus, preventing you from foodborne illnesses.

The Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued the advisory on ideal temperature. for cooking different meats. For instance, it recommends to cook ground meat like port and beef at 160F, whereas for poultry including chicken and turkey, the ideal temperature is 165F.

Food handlers are suggested to use food thermometer to ensure the food is cooked at the right temperature. The steps is in direction to protect public health .


How Can Tech Minimize Food Safety Hazards?