Tracking Time Effectively- The Best HR Time Tracking Software

Khushboo BattaKhushboo Batta2/11/2022

What is hr time tracking software ?

As the name implies, hr time tracking software is software used to manage and monitor work hours. These programs are typically used by employers to track employee time. They can also be used by individuals who want to keep track of their own personal time.

What is HR time tracking software?

Human resources, undoubtedly, is the most precious of all in any business. Without people, all other resources funds, stock, or tech would be a waste! All businesses whether small business or large, have certain goals. Human resources play the biggest role in driving the company towards the targeted direction. In such a situation, workforce management has become vital to achieving the common goal.
Well gone are the days when employees had to punch in and punch out time cards as part of the attendance system.

Now, businesses have come up with a smarter time tracking app -- human resource management software ( HR Software ) to track employee work time. It manages the attendance system and records hours worked per user (employee) in a day.

Because of its accurate time tracking features, the attendance software is gaining popularity among small businesses.

As per an article published by Business News Daily, a survey suggested that employees waste nearly eight hours a week (i.e 32 hours per month ) on non-work activities. The biggest distraction is spending time on smartphones for personal work.

Specifically, workers waste an average of 56 minutes per day, or nearly five hours a week, using their mobile devices for non-work activities. Going by this, companies can suffer the loss of thousands of dollars per user per year.

The research showed that 30% percent of employees said they spend most of their time checking personal email, while 28% admitted to be using social media. Checking out sports or entertainment sites, playing mobile games, and doing some online shopping are the other things workers said they use their mobile devices for, at work, the article stated.

The study was based on surveys of more than 300 U.S. workers employed in office environments and more than 300 senior managers at U.S. companies with 20 or more employees.
It is the responsibility of the employers and managers to make sure the employees are more focused on completing projects tasks. Tracking employee time and work hours can help solve the problem.

How do you track time in hr software ?

There are several time tracking or time attendance software like Quickbooks time, time doctor. Each of them has its own tracking features and functioning.

In Quickbooks timer, when you view the account as a manager, turn on the time clock for time tracking. The Schedule option manages employee scheduling where you can create and view shifts by team members.

Project option helps to create estimates and track the progress of projects tasks or project management. Then, there is who is working' that will tell you who is on time clock and projects tasks they are working on. This option also enables you to view employees on a map to see where they are working from or if they are logged in via a mobile app, just like GPS tracking.

It even allows employees to allot or manage time project-wise and make manual time entries or time entries.

Similarly, Time Doctor has options to track employee hours or work time, project management and budgeting, task management, payroll time attendance that makes payment easier and in line with hours worked.

For remote employee monitoring, you can use time tracking mobile apps available on iOS & Android.

What are the benefits of time tracker?

Pros and Cons of HR Time Tracking Software


1. Accurate billing- In case a customer or a third party asks you the estimated time and cost required to complete the project, small businesses can go back to time management software, check historical data and give them accurate numbers.

2. Transparency- Employee time tracking software informs managers what their teams are working on, how much time or work hours they are allotting to specific projects tasks .

3. Productivity- When employees know they are on time tracking tool, they will try to give their best during the work hours, ditching distractions. It can improve employee productivity.

1. Low Morale- Being tracked by attendance time software can make employees think that the company doesn't trust them. It can lower their morale.

2. Affect Work- Knowing that they are on time tracking apps can pose a pressure on employees, that can impact the quality of work.

How to choose the best HR time tracking software

The Key Features to Look for in HR Time Tracking Software

Tools and apps for HR time tracking

There are several cloud based Time Tracking apps for Small Business in the market like Quickbooks Time ,Time Doctor and more. They help in overall management of Human Resources and keep check of Time Attendance

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